Saturday, March 13, 2010

Editorial About Lying

Ever been asked "How do I look like in this dress?" by a close friend? Ever responded by saying "Wow. You look terrific and your body looks incredible!", even though you know they look bad in it? This is done usually to make our love ones feel better and because we simply think it's best to say this. This little lie is like many other lies that can hurt a relationship.
I think lying is bad, but honestly I think that it is sometimes necessary. I don't like to be lied to, but if it's necessary for someone to lie to me in order for me not to get hurt DEEPLY, I will be okay with it. Lots of people lie in order to keep themselves out of trouble or to benefit them or others. Lying too often is bad and lying to affect others is too. I think that lying in general is bad, but I think it is sometimes the best choice.
"Lying is communication with the intention of creating a false belief. A sarcastic statement which is not intended or expected to create a false belief is not a lie, even if it creates a false belief. If a statement is true, but the communicator believes it is false, it still counts as a lie."(

People justify lying to enemies because they tend to think it has no value, but they also justify lying to love ones because it has a value. I have lied to friends to make them feel better. I know it is wrong, but I just couldn't hurt them, but now that I think about it I am hurting them more by lying to them. For now on I'm going to do my best not to lie to them because they simply don't deserve it.
According to, people are more susceptible to the lies about a lover than the lies of a stranger and people do not like to acknowledge this. I agree with this. When we are in love with someone and/or trust someone a lot, we believe them more. When there is evidence that that type of person is lying we don't want to recognize and accept it because of our love and trust for them. I think this is why people are easily hurt when they are in love.
Lies can break lots of trust in a relationship and trust in a relationship is greatly needed for it to be healthy. When a person lies to me about something huge in order to benefit them, it is hard for me to trust them again, even if it is told to benefit me. It greatly depends on what it is though.
I am against lying, but yet I know I will continue to do it.
"We tell lies when we are afraid... afraid of what we don't know, afraid of what others will think, afraid of what will be found out about us. But every time we tell a lie, the thing that we fear grows stronger." ~Tad Williams
By:Rosalba Cruz


  1. I like your qoutes they sound very nice

  2. Quote Was filthy haha-
    Lots of truth eh-
    I might cry but its very true and good stuff eh-

  3. cool dude. me like quotes it cool lol.

    really it is.

  4. i think that lying is neccessary in certain situations because alot of people have low self esteams and giving someone a harmful comment even if true could dammage them in a way that can never be repaired... biotch :P

  5. Aight so we have to come up with an arguement so what if they just want you to say something nice and you don't cause you think its better to tell them straight up and they are all depressed and then kill themselves or somethin', then what eh- hahaha-

  6. Those are some pretty powerful quotes there. ;]
    good shit.
    -Joseph D

  7. I agree with Joe, love the quotes, and lying has seemed to become a necessity to communicating unfortunately, it always seems to bite the person lying in the back but you really can't have an honest conversation anymore without a lie being slipped into it. Love it, good job:]
